Hello lonely internet denizens. Although in the grand scheme of things the interchanging personnel of our otherwise incestuous clique doesn't matter much, i thought it pertinent to expand on some things as of late. True, any given band is a sum of its parts and hopefully the sum is greater than the individual parts alone. In this case people come into the sphere of a particular band and sometimes leave them, to pursue other things, to clear their head, or just because that spark might not be there for some of the individual parts anymore. I joined Dangers in December 2008 after having known Al since the early 2000s, toured together, done shows together, etc. At the time I was in both Graf Orlock and Ghostlimb which are still functioning entities. Between then and now we did two LPs, three EPs, and a giant chunk of touring, albeit here and there and at strange intervals. We did a lot of things together and in a lot of ways the friction of our personalities and what we were into was at once a driving force and a hideous annoyance. These things are good, these things make experiences, these things remind you that sometimes shit worthwhile is not easy by any means. I appreciate this near decade of doing what we did, and as an enemy of annoying fanfare it was best to do it the way we always wanted to do it. As of December 2017 I am no longer playing guitar in Dangers, but continue on in the other projects and then some. This is amicable of course, and I want the best for my boys as they work on a new LP follow up to the Bend in the Break LP of 2016 and they will certainly do a lot more things to come. This does not in any regard mean the band is breaking up so hold on to your tissues, they will keep on working. Keep your eyes open for a new LP in the future from these assholes and everything else. So, this goes to to all the dudes in the crew over the years, Anthony (Anteony), Chris, Dangl, James, Tim, Alex, and Al.
Oxford House 1/26/14 by Rob Wallace at Reelnegative.com