Hello denizens of the internet underworld, here are some updates from Vitriol as I have been hiding in a hovel for some months getting shit done. This is a list of some things going about:
-Graf Orlock will be playing shows in summer/spring and have been working on a new 7”, a video, and some other cool stuff through long time friends; a possible tour in summer and some other info forthcoming
-Dangers has demoed new material for upcoming records and will be playing some fests and shows in spring/summer
-Ghostlimb still has an LP version of the new record “The Only Measure is Labor Done Not Days” in the works. Since this CD version came out Neal suffered a gnarly injury at work that would have crushed a weaker willed individual. He is doing well and being creative.
-New band Sweat has been more active as of late, featuring myself, Anthony from Dangers on drums and Tuna from Dogteeth on vocals. Recorded a new 7” that will be coming out soon and some tours on the way.
Sweat at the Atomic Garden in Jan, 2020